Roundtrip Col du Soulor

Today I decided with Monika my wife, not to continue the cycle tour further from here this year, due to a funeral of a good friend.
At the station I asked for connections to Strassbourg with a bicycle. The lady at the desk searched for a long time, but all the transporting capacities for bicycles had been completely booked out. The alternative is to rent a car and take everything in. That I will do.
I have to leave on Tuesday,  so the remaining days I will use Lourdes as a base for day tours.
I entered Col d`Aubisque as destination in my Garmin and started cycling. The first part was about the same as my originally planned tour, so I preferred the routing by Komoot over very small and quiet roads along the river named Le Gave de Pau. At Poumarali I had to change to a larger road D937, but still rather quiet. At the next opportunity I crossed the Gave again and saw a sign ‘road unusable`. Without luggage I could take the risk and some hundred meters after the sign there was debris on the road. Cars would not be able to pass, but the bike did it. At thenext village the small road started climbing and I passed cows and goats. After a small descent I was in the valley of l`Ouzom. Until Ferrieres, a former mining village, there TransFrance_201408016415was originally a railway connection. Today the road is using parts of the old railroad and so mot very steep. after Ferrieres the climb started, that was expected. But also I reached the clouds and saw less and less. Over 1100 m thunder came from those clouds. It still did sound far away. On the mean time I had seen that I would first reach the Col du Solour at 1474 m. Just before the Col hail and rain came from the clouds.
At the Col I had an easy decision: leave the Col d`Aubisque at my right hand and ride down to Lourdes directly, not without dressing me wellTransFrance_201408016416 against cold and wet weather. In Argeles-Gazost I switched to a Voie Verte – a former railroad again and reached Lourdes without much efforts.
Today: 95 km (without luggage)


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