Day 14 – to St Jean Pied le Port

129 km
Today’s weather started cloudy but dry and developed to sun and a clear sky in the evening. The track ‘de oude weg’ bypassed Pau in a big quarter of a circle, but streets were rather big until I crossed the river le Gave de Pau. South of the river the first, lower mountains of the Pyrenees showed an alpine character. The roads do not just cross the heights, but there are decent serpentines and the climbs are manageable with acceptable efforts. The first pilgrims town in the Pyrenees was Oloron Ste Marie. In this town a lot of my gathered tracks cross, so I can choose which one I follow.
Next target was Mauleon for that I had to cross a mountain chain. Mountains? The pass having 350 m wasn’t as high as were I live in Zangberg, but the environment looks like 1000 m in the Alps.
After Mauleon I had to take the next pass, this time 500 m to reach the valley of St Jean le Pied. Here the only choice was to take the Route National, but traffic was OK on this Saturday and on ascending parts there was something like a bike lane.
I entered st Jean through the Porte the St Jacques in the old town and (walked) through the pilgrim’s shopping center.
I pitched my tent on the Camping Municipal, that is full of cyclists (individuals and organized groups.
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